Saturday, July 9, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Most people I see ask the same questions...Do you have your garden planted? What are you growing now? When is the best time to plant (name your own vegetable)? So, I try to keep the answers to these questions on this site. However, I have a some times, maybe later, when I get to it posting schedule. This post will be me trying to play catch-up.

As in the previous post you already know about the potatoes. But the corn is on the way...

We have been culling a few onions...

The squash is doing well...

Cabbages are being harvested and some more are on the way...

Been giving the royal red lettuce and Swiss chard a good cutting every week...

By the way, all of this was before the drought kicked in to high gear. It looks worse now. But it is time to start on the Fall/Winter plantings. And so it goes....